**************************************************************************************************** Welch Allyn Connectivity SDK version 2.2 Copyright 2008, Welch Allyn, Inc. Welch Allyn®, Spot Vital Signs®, Spot Vital Signs® LXi, SureTemp®, SureTemp Plus® are registered trademarks of Welch Allyn®, Inc. Welch Allyn®, Inc. is protected under various patents and patents pending. Nellcor® is a registered trademark of NELLCOR, Incorporated. Software in this product is Copyright 2008 Welch Allyn or its vendors. All rights are reserved. The software is protected by United States of America copyright laws and international treaty provisions applicable worldwide. Under such laws, the licensee is entitled to use the copy of the software incorporated with this instrument as intended in the operation of the product in which it is embedded. The software may not be copied, decompiled, reverse-engineered, disassembled, or otherwise reduced to human-perceivable form. This is not a sale of the software or any copy of the software; all right, title, and ownership of the software remain with Welch Allyn or its vendors. **************************************************************************************************** System Requirements Operating Systems The Connectivity SDK is approved for use with these operating systems: Windows 2000 Windows XP Professional Windows XP Professional x64 Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2003 x64 Windows Vista Windows Vista x64 Development environments The Connectivity SDK has been developed for use with these software development environments: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0  Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2003 Microsoft C# .NET 2003 Borland Delphi 5.0 **************************************************************************************************** Installation Welch Allyn Connectivity SDK is designed to install automatically with little user input. If you have Autorun disabled, or the installation does not launch automatically, locate Setup.exe on the CD and launch the program. Click through the prompts to complete installation. **************************************************************************************************** Support Send correspondence regarding this manual, and other Welch Allyn products, to Customer Service: For information about any Welch Allyn product, call Welch Allyn Technical Support: USA +1 800 535 6663 + 1 315 685 4560 Australia +61 2 9638 3000 +800 074 793 Canada +1 800 561 8797 China +86 21 6327 9631 European Call Center +353 46 90 67790 France +33 1 55 69 58 49 Germany +49 7477 9271 70 Japan +81 3 3219 0071 Latin America +1 305 669 9003 Netherlands +31 157 505 000 Singapore +65 6419 8100 South Africa +27 11 777 7555 United Kingdom +44 207 365 6780 Sweden +46 85 853 6551 Welch Allyn 4341 State Street Road Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153 USA www.welchallyn.com Printed in USA **************************************************************************************************** New Features for SDK v2.2: ------------------------- * A new USB driver (including a 64 bit version) that supports multiple devices connected to the PC. * A new ActiveX Control built on top of the Connectivity SDK. * New sample code including MFC and ATL. * Translated help in languages including English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Chinese. * Merge modules for the USB driver, Connectivity SDK and the ActiveX control to help with Windows Installer redistribution. * SDK can now be wrapped in container class for complete dynamic behavior (no need for global instance). * Ability to Connect/Disconnect and re-connect reliably. * Data requests can be made from within the device arrival event. * Location Identifier can be polled for the Spot Vital Signs LXi family of devices. * Ability to set time on the device. * Device firmware, NIBP display units and temperature display units can be polled for all devices. * 'DeviceInfo' object in the 'WASessionData' object is populated for the VSM and SPOT family of devices. * COM ports over 9 are supported. * 'GetCount()' method for 'WASessionData' object return 0 instead of a COMException for SPOT family of devices. * Windows Vista and Windows XP Tablet are supported. * SpotOn device in the Spot family of devices is supported. * Spot Vitals Signs LXi 6.0 is supported.